Our industrial design experience covers warehouses, manufacturing facilities, masterplanning and waste-to-energy facilities. We cover road, sea and air logistics, food and engineering sectors. We also have specialist knowledge in related road and air vehicle and component maintenance areas.
We are very proud of our track record in exceeding developers and operators expectations. This is achieved by a positive attitude to developing and monitoring the brief and by establishing clear lines of communications and responsibility.
Download our Industry & Technology brochure.
Setting, scale, shape, surface, shadow, shine and silhouette.
Some of the most celebrated structures of the last three centuries have their roots in industrial progress. A good industrial building can have its own inherent, honest beauty – a process-led aesthetic where form truly follows function.
But the impact of an industrial development is a sensitive issue. Their scale is way beyond that of domestic buildings and as we reduce our impact on green sites this brings industrial development closer to communities.
Understanding From Start To Finish.
Whether delivering energy, power, food, drink, information, goods or people, designing the space to allow production to occur is not just gift wrapping but relies upon a deep understanding of the complex activities the buildings encompass.
We believe a collaborative approach, bringing all disciplines and stakeholders together, is fundamental to a project’s success. Open forums and design workshops add value and cuts out waste by clearly focusing on the critical elements of the process, as well as the architectural potential of a particular facility.
Setting, Conceived With Ability.
Simplicity and clarity are key to design, delivery, operation and management.
The appropriate and judicious selection of details, components and materials should always be done with consideration for the life cycle and value of the project.
We believe that proactive cost control at all stages of delivery is a fundamental part of delivering a successful project. The basic principle we adhere to is cost management and not cost reporting and we work closely with cost consultants to ensure early benchmarking and cost monitoring.
The value of the individual.
Our attitude towards the industrial workplace has changed. It has changed through regulation and need but also through an increasing realization of the value of individuals.
Investment in the health and welfare of a workforce now has tangible benefits. In addition, the requirement of the industrial environment has changed as processes become more sophisticated. The environments that we expect people to work in are cleaner, brighter and safer.
Sustainability with efficiency, flexibility and longevity, humanity and beauty.
Global demands require us to re-establish many of the characteristics of the first age of industrialization – some of which we have only come to appreciate in recent years: ideas of sustainability with efficiency, flexibility and longevity, humanity and beauty.
We need to produce industrial buildings that are sustainable not just now but that maintain this quality into the future. We need to consider what the legacy is that is left behind after the initial process has run its cycle. Can buildings or their individual components be converted or re-used? Can the structure itself be flexible and demountable? How can we minimize our impact on the environment?
Under-pinning industry.
3DReid’s FutureLab is a design research collaborative working at the intersection of innovation, culture, technology and knowledge. The group explore opportunities and defines solutions and trends for the world today and tomorrow.
The group collaborate across all our sectors and with leading experts across a wide range of disciplines to create innovative and bespoke solutions and services.
One such research initiative which we are looking to apply to our Industry & Technology sector, is through the development and use of generative design tools, to assist in the assessment of potential Industrial sites.
These tools not only give us more commercially viable options for our clients but can also reduce construction waste to enhance green credentials.
We are able to quickly generate many design alternatives and immediately evaluate the most suitable option for design criteria including greatest unit area, most efficient site layout, accessibility and height without compromising on current high standards of design.
“The Industry & Technology sector is an exciting area to be working. A regulatory and customer led drive is seeing a shift in focus, with more priority placed upon energy efficient facilities that are more mindful of the impact they have on the wider environment and their immediate location.
The efficient use of space and materials is a key driver as always within the sector; however, the increased focus upon energy efficient and environmentally aware buildings is resulting in outputs that consider alternative design solutions. Some of which are new, and some of which rediscover historic intelligent design.”
Mark Lorimer
Industry & Technology Lead
“Our ever increasing reliance on technology and online retail, coupled with an extraordinary rate of change, makes this a highly dynamic and exciting sector to be working within.”