3DReid’s plans for the redevelopment of 90-106 High Street, Staines on behalf of Aberdeen Asset Management approved by Spelthorne Borough Council on 27th July 2016.
Proposals will replace a number of low quality two storey retail units with a 15,000sq ft foodstore at ground level with a 151 room Premier Inn hotel above.
The prominent corner site lies within the pedestrianised high street, so façade treatments use a mix of transparency and brick to both respond to the surrounding material use and connect with the public activity happening within the immediate vicinity.
Associate Director Tom Robinson commented: “Scale and massing remain in line with the surrounding developments and the aim is to create a new civic block punctuated in the south east corner by a 5 storey glazed ‘tower’ that acts as a beacon, providing a gateway into the town centre.
The elevation bordering Mustard Mill Road is treated with decorative perforated bronze coloured panels with a motif based on mustard plants and seeds, which will be back-lit at night to create an engaging visual identifier. These reflect the historic heritage of the site, commemorating the mustard mills that populated the surrounding area until the 19th Century.”