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intu Lakeside Masterplan

Thurrock, Essex UK
intu Properties

Feasibility completed

Retail & Leisure

Vibrant intu Lakeside residential led masterplan.

3DReid was appointed by intu to create a vibrant residential led masterplan adjacent to our award winning Lakeside Leisure extension. Over 1000 new homes were proposed along with an improved lakeside pedestrian route, new restaurants, shops, wet leisure facilities and town square.



In addition to these facilities, a new M&S store was proposed to be relocated into the vacant Debenhams store to the west of the site.

A vibrant new street and new town square created to activate the ground plane.

Affording stunning panoramic views over the lake, this mixed use masterplan sought to provide 1000 residential units adjacent to the completed leisure offer to the west side of Lakeside Shopping Centre.

Green and blue infrastructure in the form of reed beds, water inlets and small lakes bordered by low level shrubbery and trees help to soften the landscape around the new dwellings.

“The new masterplan maximises residents’ views of the lake whilst incorporating a new town square and wet leisure facilities for … residents and visitors.”

Tom Robinson, 3DReid, Head of Concept (London)
Tom Robinson,
3DReid, Head of Concept (London)
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