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Career Opportunities

Want to join an exciting, collaborative team? Discover our current opportunities across our five studios with positions across architecture and interiors available here.

3DReid People Edinburgh Studio

At 3DReid, we enjoy a friendly, considerate and encouraging culture. Our team collaborate on an exciting and diverse range of UK projects.


It’s testament to the warm, flexible and dynamic environment created by our team that many staff members have either been with us for over 20 years or have returned after exploring other opportunities.

When you join the 3DReid family, you are a member of a diverse and innovative team from a wide range of different cultures, countries and backgrounds.

We all share values of mutual care and respect.

We offer a creative working environment and promote inter studio working whilst supporting continual professional growth through our mentoring system.

Open Positions
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Contact us
We're always looking for enthusiastic and talented people to join our team.

If you’re looking for your next exciting career move, and don't see the role above that you're looking for, please get in touch by filling out our contact form.

    Upload your CV and portfolio as one file

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