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Student Prize 2024 – Winner Announced

  • 1st Aug 2024
  • |  Events
  • |  Sophie Phillips
3DReid Student Prize 2024 Winner Announced Banner

It was another impressive final for our 18th year of the 3DReid Student Prize with all five finalists presenting such a variation of incredibly high-quality work. We would like to congratulate Sasina Chanaphai of the University of Sheffield for her winning project Tilbury Assembly: A Flood Resilience Innovation Community Centre.

It’s always a pleasure to see the diversity of topics, communication techniques and creativity that all the students present. This year there were some incredibly innovative responses to topical issues from affordable housing shortages, to increased social influx demands and rising sea levels that pose a threat of flooding in coastal towns.

What really stood out about all five finalists in the Student Prize this year, was their ability to demonstrate how fluently low carbon design can be integrated into such a wide range of projects. Considering the construction industry accounts for approximately 40% of global emissions, it was encouraging to see all the student’s presentations focused on finding solutions to make the industry more sustainable.

After much deliberating and debate, the judging panel on the day agreed that Sasina’s project, Tilbury Assembly, was the outright winner, when measured against our Environmental, Cultural and Social criteria. It was a very close decision, but one supported across the panel. This year’s winner presented not only a remarkable design solution to very real life issues, but also produced an entire campaign to support her work. Sasina’s presentation, which included detailed physical samples, models, brochures and graphic design really built upon the passion in which she delivered her project. Sasina’s scheme can be viewed below.


The runners up were:

Rachel Gray, Robert Gordon University – Homegrown: A Material Strategy for Post-Carbon Construction.

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Josephine Hamill, University of Bath – The Amber Alliance: A Community Crafted in Resin.

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Richard Robinson, Birmingham City University – Saline Symbiosis.

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William Preston, Northumbria University – Gallowgate Tower.

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Thank you to our judges for sparking insightful discussions and offering invaluable feedback to our students, which will undoubtedly benefit their careers in architecture:

Jane Lawrence – Art Consultant, The Royal Scottish Academy

Marion Preez – Director, UrbanPioneers

Karen Brown – Head of Design, Chris Stewart Group

Andrew Marshall – Director at 3DReid

Neil de Prez – Director at 3DReid

Ryan Hodge – Associate at 3DReid

Adriana Jezewska – Part II Architectural Assistant at 3DReid


“Our student prize is always a real highlight in the calendar for me. Each of the selected finalists presented their schemes with clarity, thoughtfulness and detail on the day. We were delighted to be brought on a journey from Krakow in Poland, over to rural Orkney, across mainland UK and finishing down the Thames. Each presenter was tackling a distinct and complex issue head on, and to be talked through their scheme on the day was a real privilege. Well done again, to all the finalists.”

Andrew Marshall, Director, Edinburgh Studio
Andrew Marshall,
Director, Edinburgh Studio
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