3DReid is thrilled to be in the running for this year’s Constructing Excellence National Awards 2020.
We won the Regional Constructing Excellence Awards 2020 (West Midlands) and are honoured to be a finalist for the Constructing Excellence National Awards 2020 Conservation and Regeneration taking place on January 29th, virtually.
The link to view this year’s finalists will appear on both the CENE and Constructing Excellence National website here
Primark, Birmingham
Currently lauded as the world’s largest Primark, this newly restored landmark has significantly changed the dynamic of the high street. The former Pavilions shopping centre has been transformed into a flagship retail store. The building has been over-clad with illuminated mesh facades, and while the proposal provides a distinctive and coherent identity, the façade forms part of an historic streetscape.
Congratulations to our collaborative team incorporating: Primark, 3DReid, Chartplan, Hoare Lea, Linesight, KMJM, TTG, Quagga Design, WSP, and Mace.

Photography: © Daniel Shearing
Constructing Excellence National Awards
Date: Friday 29th January 2021 at 4.00pm
Venue: Virtual
Now in their fourteenth year, these prestigious Awards seen as one of the highlights of the industry’s calendar will be attended by over 450 built environment professionals from across the UK.
These awards are part of a national programme of nine regional awards covering England and Wales. The 2020 winners at regional level go forward to the National final to be recognised as the CE champions of excellence for the year from categories such as Integration & Collaborative working, Sustainability, Health & Safety and SME.
This event is a great opportunity for companies that wish to be seen as proactively supporting and leading innovation within the Built Environment and information on sponsorship can be requested from Constructing Excellence North East (CENE) or on the National website.
To book your place please click here