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Queenslie Park

Glasgow, UK
Tilstone Partners

Currently working towards mobilisation on site.

Industry & Technology
2016 to Present
Architect / 3DReid
Planning Consultant / Savills
Project Manager / Savills
Structural Engineer / Will Rudd
M&E Engineer / Savills
© 3DReid (3D Visuals)

Queenslie Park will create a major business base for both Glasgow and Central Scotland.

Queenslie Park estate masterplan and detailed plot development proposals to transform the former Queenslie Industrial Estate and create a major business base for both Glasgow and Central Scotland.

In addition to enhancing both the industrial provision and the quality of the environment the opportunity to include complimentary facilities including car showrooms and retail facilities will widen the appeal of Queenslie Park.


Activated and Safe Public Realm

Landscape and building design which offers activated and safe public realm, and permeability into and through Queenslie Park.

Visible Branding and Signage

Building design which helps to create a clear sense of identity for Queenslie Park, along with branding and signage opportunities for tenants to display individual identity within Queenslie Park.

Identity and Placemaking

Strategic exposure to key areas, signposting Queenslie Park as a destination and promoting a sense of place.

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