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Lee Harris Bursary Evening

  • 17th Nov 2016
  • |  News
  • |  Graham Hickson-Smith
Lee Harris Bursary Evening Banner | 3DReid

Now in its 10th year the Lee Harris Bursary commemorates a talented colleague and his girlfriend Sam who were tragically killed in the 2005 London Bombings. Inspired by Lee’s love of photography and architecture, the bursary provides an opportunity for members of staff to explore their architectural passions.

This year Susan and Bryn entertained us with an evening of photos, videos and tales from their respective trips: Ordos, Inner Mongolia and Cycling Zumthor.

Bryn Railton – Ordos, Inner Mongolia

“For my trip this year I proposed a trip to the area of Ordos, Inner Mongolia, a coal rich area at the north of China that was thriving at the turn of the millennium.  Since then the economy has changed and development has slowed,  leaving an incredible new city that never quite reached completion.  This brand new city was beautiful and should have had people rushing in, but instead the people were slow to come, and another one of Chinas Ghost Cities was formed.  I saw this city in a skate video a number of years ago and have been wanting to go ever since. This year I had the opportunity to go there in Lee’s name and made a documentary of my trip. Enjoy…”   Watch a video of Bryn’s Trip

Susan Fagan – Cycling Zumthor

“Lee’s passion for architecture lay within creating energised spaces through the use of natural and artificial lighting. He was also a keen photographer and a regular cyclist. To commemorate Lee I proposed a cycling pilgrimage of Peter Zumthor’s work, ‘Cycling Zumthor’. The study focused on the atmospherically effect of light in architecture. I visited 9 of Zumthor’s works in total. The 900km journey started in Kolumba museum, Cologne and included eminent projects such as the Bruder Klaus Chapel, -Kunsthaus Museum, Austria -Vals Therme, Switzerland and Kapelle St Benedikt, SumVitg Switzerland. The ‘Cycling Zumthor’ study was presented through the medium of photography and video in the London 3DReid office to Lee’s friends, family and fellow 3DReid colleagues.”     Watch a video of part of Susan’s Trip

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